• YiddishMcSquidish@lemmy.today
    34 minutes ago

    Shorted the center pin of a transistor in the numerical display of one of those giant build a stack game at Dave and busters. Literally the first thing they had me look at after starting, and that that no one could figure out, I was testing various points with a multi meter when it slipped and bridge two of the legs. At first I was worried a really messed something up, but the dude that had been there forever was like “what’d you do‽ It’s working!”. Definitely a fix I wasn’t expecting.

  • invertedspear@lemm.ee
    1 hour ago

    I’m a web applications developer…. So a lot. But here’s the king of dumb shit fixes I’ve done. Back in the days off VGA a few friends and I met up with some other dudes for a counter strike LAN party. Everyone’s hauling their towers in and if you were lucky, your heavy as fuck 17” CRT. So I set up and my monitor won’t work. Has power, no signal. Switch from the gpu vga port to the integrated one and it works. Switch back to gpu and it works as long as I hold it in a weird position. So it’s all fine, just the connection is massive wearing out. For some reason I figure a little moisture will help so I lick the vga plug, reattach it and it totally solved the problem.

    So yeah, I licked a gpu into working again.

  • Evono@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    27 minutes ago

    After troubleshooting and rebuilding a pc of a customer back then 6 times , reinstalling it , changing all cables , checking every single hardware connector for damages and they were all pristine , no tools showed errors or anything.

    Put the ram into another pc to check it , pc did boot fine , checked no errors , put the ram back in the other pc and pc boots , no issues , 7 day long term test no issues at all.

    Idk what it was till today , don’t forget I had rebuilt the pc multiple times prior the ram just worked after being in another pc , I even took it a few times out and put back to make sure that the clamps are OK and connector and it wasn’t just luck nope , worked every single time afterwards.

  • Chris@feddit.uk
    56 minutes ago

    Just thought of another one. I have an old Amiga 1200 which doesn’t get powered up much but I accidentally dropped it in a move. Since then it’s been prone to randomly crashing. Opened it up, nothing appeared to be dislodged. Somehow discovered that if I prop it up at an angle it doesn’t crash any more.

  • silly goose meekah@lemmy.world
    2 hours ago

    When I moved recently my PC suddenly stopped booting.

    Before transport I removed the GPU so the PCB wouldn’t crack, but my motherboard was showing that it got stuck in the GPU check when booting, so I thought I accidentally broke the GPU by shocking it with static, or popping off some capacitor or something. I still wanted to rule out everything else before buying a new GPU though.

    I kept replugging things, thinking it might be a connection that came loose during transport, I reseated the RAM, I tried just one RAM stick, I even reseated the CPU.

    Turns out, somehow a CMOS reset fixed it. I’m still confused as to why that worked.

  • Charely6@lemmy.world
    4 hours ago

    Around 2013-2014ish when the fake FBI viruses when commen, I worked at a tech help desk at my university fixing student computers.

    We didn’t have a bootable virus scan avaliable but I discovered it you ctrl-alt-deleted you could tell the system to log out, it would close everything and log out.

    but if during a split second when the device was turning on before the virus blocked the screen and actions you opened a word doc or something,

    then when you logged out it would close everything (including the virus’s window that was blocking the screen) but the word doc and ask if you wanted to save the document first. By hitting cancel it would stop the logout completely and we could run the various virus scans to get rid of it.

    • Mr_Dr_Oink@lemmy.world
      2 hours ago

      This reminds me of way back when i beat a virus with task manager.

      This one was showing as a process in task manager. If you killed it, it would just reappear moments later. I even tried finding the folder it was installing on my pc via rightclick on the program in task manager and clicking “open file location” closing the program and deleting its install folder. But it would still come back, installed somewhere else.

      After some time messing around, i noticed that another program would show in the task manager, then the virus would appear, and then the other program would close and disappear from the task manager. All within about 1 or 2 seconds

      So i killed the task, waited for the other program to appear right click it fast, open file location, and there it was, a different folder with a program that auto runs when the virus is removed to reinstall the virus and close itself to avoid detection.

      I deleted that folder and then killed the virus program in the task manager, and it didn’t reappear. I had won!

      I seem to recall it was resistent to virus scanners for this reason.

      But this was about 20 years ago so i doubt there are viruses that unsophisticated now.

  • Russ@bitforged.space
    3 hours ago

    I’m not sure if this counts because it wasn’t intentional on my part, but… When I was a kid, my mom had a digital camera. The lense on it would extend when it was powered on, and then retract when it was powered off.

    At some point the lense got stuck, which caused the camera to not turn on properly and made it useless so she ended up getting a new one. I had gone to take the old/broken one to mess around with it and accidentally dropped it.

    Apparently the angle that it fell at was just enough to “lodge” the lense back into place yet the fall wasn’t high enough to cause it to shatter or break. It worked perfectly after that, and while my parents were a bit upset they needlessly bought a new camera, they ended up letting me keep the old one.

    (Later on I figured that was their way of justifying not returning the new camera that probably had nice new features or something)

    I also vaguely remembering them saying something along the lines of “That’s probably the only time in your life dropping a piece of equipment will actually fix it and was just luck - don’t go trying that on other things randomly”.

  • Glitch@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    3 hours ago

    My coworker was frustrated that his laptop kept shutting down randomly, going to sleep while he was typing. I looked at his wrists and asked if he was wearing magnetic bracelet, which was 100% the cause. Laptop has magnet sensors to detect the lid was closing, so it went to sleep. His destress (/s) tool became the source of considerable stress until I figured that out

  • gazter@aussie.zone
    4 hours ago

    Somewhat related.

    I was doing a winter mountaineering course in Scotland (not as epic as it sounds, but damn fun!). We had some pretty gnarly weather, and were practicing navigation in a whiteout. It’s pretty easy to lose your sense of direction, there’s no landmarks, no reference for what is straight ahead. So the lead person was trudging along, looking down at the compass, following a heading, trudging off into the blank whiteness in a straight line. Every now and then, they would start veering off to the left, then go back straight again- just enough to be perceptible to the people at the back of the line, but not to the person in front. We pulled up a couple of times, lead person kept insisting they were following the compass precisely. It kept happening, so we switched people, same compass, no problem.

    It was only when we were back at the lodge and the original lead person was saying how much they loved their electric heated gloves that we figured out what the issue was.

  • guilhermegnzaga@lemmy.eco.br
    4 hours ago

    My electric piano requires a very accurate punch in order to the A3 key to work again, I’ve even read in forums that is the ONLY WAY to fix it. Sounded dumb at the time but it was the fix.

  • 18107@aussie.zone
    4 hours ago

    I wanted to install an extra hard drive in my computer, but the power supply didn’t have enough connectors. I actually had a spare power supply unit, but upon testing, the 24 pin cable was too short to reach the motherboard.

    I ended up using both PSUs. Only one had a power switch on it, so that was connected to the hard drives. I had to use a paperclip in the unused 24 pin connector to make it output power. The 2 PSUs had a wire running between the ground pins of a random unused connector, and they were on the same phase circuit.

    The hard drive PSU had to be turned on first at the switch. Once that was on, I could press the power button to turn on the computer. I think I used it for about a year before buying enough upgrade parts to effectively replace the entire computer.

  • ClockworkN@lemmy.world
    5 hours ago

    For starters I’m old enough that if your TV or monitor was fuzzy or blurry you gave it a good bang on the top. This worked 50% of the time and was considered common practice but it sounds stupid in retrospect.

    But wait there’s more: I boiled a demo disc (videogame magazines used to come with a disc of demos for new or unreleased games). During a particular print run of Official Xbox Magazine many of the shipped discs would skip or fail to read and dropping them into boiling water for about 30 seconds was a way change the refractory index of the plastic and fix something that was causing the laser to be unable to read them.

    I guess this is my jam because that last one reminded me of another hilarious practice from that era: “Toweling” an Xbox. First generation hardware of the Xbox 360 we’re prone to detecting an overheat and sometimes entering a state where they wouldn’t boot up anymore and display an iconic “Red ring of death” where the LEDs on the front would light up red and it would it never finished booting. But it was running, just it wouldn’t continue. While it was getting a little warm, it seemed to be more a failure of the sensor rather than a catastrophic overheating. So naturally the solution was… Get it hotter. Wrap it in towels blocking all of the fans from doing their job and get it hot enough that the sensor would seem to go out of range and reset itself. This returned it to normal operation for hours or days, for some people indefinitely. Fortunately I haven’t “toweled” any electronics lately.

    • gazter@aussie.zone
      4 hours ago

      I worked at a joint that sold 360s. The ‘towelling’ was a real thing. Apparently they used crappy solder, which when combined with inefficient components and poor cooling, caused the GPU to develop dry joints. Wrapping it in a towel and turning it on would get it hot enough to cause the solder to melt again, and reflow the joints.

      At least, that was the story going around at the time. Whatever the real cause, it often worked. That hardware was such utter dogshit, I’m still amazed that the brand survived. They must have lost so much money in that debacle.

  • ch00f@lemmy.world
    8 hours ago

    Coworker’s story: Trying to fix a prototype in a hotel room at a European trade show. Soldering iron on hand, but it was a 120V iron and glowed white hot when plugged into a 240V outlet.

    So they had one person solder and the other person keep unplugging and replugging the iron from the wall at roughly 50% duty cycle.

  • randomcruft@lemmy.sdf.org
    7 hours ago

    I have two… these are from the old days of computing :)

    One: guy said his monitor was showing wavy lines on the screen (old CRT monitor days). Went to his office, looked at his monitor. Sure enough wavy lines. Looked the top of his monitor. Removed the clock sitting on top of said monitor, no more wavy lines. Don’t put electric clocks on CRT monitors folks.

    Two: working in a school system. Just before classes started. Get a call “none of the computers turn on”. Go to the classroom. Check a few machines. Machines “turned on” but didn’t boot the OS. Listen to one of the machines… hmmm, no drive noise. Tap it with the back of a screwdriver. Drive spins up, computer boots. Later found out that it was a semi-known problem with Seagate drives. If they sat to long without use, the heads would get stuck.

  • xye@lemm.ee
    6 hours ago

    Hard drive in the freezer. Broken actuator. Well, I put the entire laptop in. Early 00s probably. Worked for like 3 minutes.

    • Chris@feddit.uk
      1 hour ago

      Think I’ve done this one too! Desperately trying to rescue some data off a hard drive which just went click click click. Freeze it, try again, works for a few minutes until it warms back up and click click click…