Because that is an incredible financial burden.
Because that is an incredible financial burden.
Just bought a fuck Elon bumper sticker for my 2018 Model 3.
Yeah, sorry. Joke was in bad taste.
I meant to poke fun at how horribly managed the stores were and not at the people who worked there.
I bet both employees are heartbroken.
Ok, but like it also doesn’t seem fair for the non-owner romantic partner to just get free rent, no?
This is more like one person sharing the cost of the loan on a house they won’t get to keep.
If the owner sells the property, they will not get back any of the money spent on interest. Thats the point. The assumption is that the principal is the best representation of the portion that the property owner gets to keep.
The logic is that she didn’t pay any equity into the house. That makes the situation similar to two people sharing the monthly rent on a rented apartment except they’re paying a bank and not the landlord.
8th grade Earth Science teacher. I shared a fun little factoid I had just learned: if you’re standing on the North Pole, every direction is south.
She disagreed and spent like 20 minutes explaining why that was wrong. I didn’t understand most of what she was trying to convey, but I do remember hearing “you can go north but in a southerly direction.”
When my wife (at the time girlfriend) moved in, we split the interest portion of the mortgage payment 50/50. Principle was 100% me. Utilities food and supplies were evenly split. Every bolted down upgrade I paid for 100%, but we decided to split paint since it mattered more to her.
The idea was if she bolted, I would mostly be left with what I paid for. If we got married (we did), we’d combine finances and it wouldn’t matter anyway.
I hear that.
The other thing about the “why not sell it?” argument is…what exactly does that accomplish? There are still just as many Teslas on the road. I guess someone who would buy new and give Tesla money could buy your used one? But what if that person is an Elon simp? Would cheaper used cars on the market change their mind?