unfathomable that anyone functions without a dishwasher
The piece of crap my apartment has doesn’t clean the top rack for shit, has some stupid telescoping sprayer that comes up from the bottom (and takes up a massive chunk of the bottom shelf)
I lived in a camping trailer for a bit. It REALLY made me appreciate dish washers. I cooked almost every meal so I spent like a hour every night doing dishes
Thank you so much, I would’ve completely forgotten to do the laundry if it wasn’t for this comic. Heck, I really envy people who can just do the stuff they need to do. Why does my brain have to be borken like that :c
checklists !!!
I’ve started making checklists multiple times, but I always stop after a couple of weeks because I usually remember the things I write down (because they’re on a list, so they are important and mustn’t be forgotten). But if I remember them without looking at the list, I don’t need the list. So I stop making lists, until I start making lists again and the cycle repeats year after year.
The art is in the stacking. How many can you get in one compartment without losing water access?
Moved to a place with deep sinks and it’s been a disaster. 🙃
So what you’re saying is the trick is to get one of those sinks that’s literally just a slant in the vanity leading to the drain, then you’ll never let your dishes pile up
okay yes but rude…