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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: December 14th, 2024


  • The civil rights movement started 8 years prior, and it was almost entirely focused locally in Alabama & Tennessee. Using today’s technology to spread the word, great, you have people doing the same thing with the 50501. We’re still limited by travel times.

    Planning for the March on Washington started in 1961, and was largely supported by unions. Guess what has been absolutely decimated since then? A whole bunch of people talking online is great, but you still need proximity to organize shit like transporting a bunch of people to one location from another. They organized 250k people. 50501 can probably organize far more, but it will take longer even with instant communication.

  • This is the part I’m talking about. The last guy marginally successful at that got assassinated by the FBI 60 years ago.

    And our lives are purposely overloaded with crap, and we’re so dispersed as to fail to collectivise. Individualism and materialistic values are so hammered into us so that any attempt to collectivise are self-thwarted by ourselves.

    The few of us who realize what’s going on can’t do much other than say something. Hope we can connect people to say “yeah, let’s see what’s up.” And it’s gonna take a fuckton of effort, and it’s not going to happen a month after shit really starts going to hell.

    Thank you for spelling out the anxieties we all experience because of intense suppression by the elite. I don’t think any country on this planet can look at us see “our wealth” and not realize that 99% of us don’t have any.

  • The first of Trump’s military blunders. The same one Hitler made.

    Putin couldn’t wish for a more useful idiot. Eventually he’ll be giving direct tactical orders that result in China and Russia not needing to worry about the US Navy presence.

    My prediction?

    He’ll first order Carrier Strike groups to reduce the number of vessels. Maybe keep one AEGIS guided missile destroyer, and one Alreigh-Burke. Remove one of the attack submarines. Cut the Supply-class boats down to a single vessel. (“Just cram it all it one, and fill it up twice as often”).

    But that’s not Hitler level stupid on it’s own. He’ll have those ships scrapped. He needs to appease the defense industry, so he’ll order the procurement of the true king of the fleet: Trump-class Dreadnaught Battleships (because he needs the extra big dreadnaughts!). They should be “nuclear powered” use the latest “laser cannon” a rail gun, and the biggest longest range cannons they can fit.

    And that’s just what he’ll start with in the Navy.