Dark Castle - Surrender to All Life Beyond Form
Female-fronted stoner/sludge doom.
Saw them open for the almighty YOB back in 2011. Stevie Floyd is a badass.
I float through physical thoughts. I stare down the abyss of organic dreams.
Dark Castle - Surrender to All Life Beyond Form
Female-fronted stoner/sludge doom.
Saw them open for the almighty YOB back in 2011. Stevie Floyd is a badass.
People still think of autism in like… Rain Man-terms.
As much as people like to think popular depictions (The Big Bang Theory, Abed in Community, etc) of autistic behavioral patterns are somehow furthering “the cause” (whatever that is) - ultimately, they amount to little more than vaudeville and can be incredibly damaging to people who don’t “seem autistic”.
It’s very tiring to assure people that yes, you are indeed autistic, when all they know is Sheldon Cooper and Raymond Babbitt.
Especially annoying if they think you’re some sort of genius, when the average autistic’s intelligence generally is lower than average.
Especially now that so many fucking lunatic autistics are committing atrocities.
If you’re obviously greatly disabled autistic=not threatening High functioning autistic=liability
I was diagnosed 20 years ago, and even I had a very hard time recognizing and accepting that my own partner is also autistic (now diagnosed as an adult).
But then again, it seems to manifest dramatically different in men v.s. women, as well as there not really being any depictions of autistic women in media for the longest time.
And a gigantic part of autistic women no doubt went undiagnosed for a long time (and still are).
I don’t understand why these Google alternatives don’t lean hard on actually replacing Google’s services.
Myself as an example; if Notesnook had collaboration, I’d switch in a heartbeat.
Thr main use-case for an app like this for me is in things like grocery lists, to-do lists etc, all of which are impossible or annoying to do with Notesnook.
For general offline notes that need to be encrypted there are other solutions I’d rather use. I’d like if I could just use one app for it.
Me and my partner would HAPPILY pay for an app to get out of Google’S clutches.
There’s money on the table, but they ain’t counting it yet.
Do it, if you like sludgey riffing.