I certainly hope so. And I also hope it won’t be butchered. KOTOR was amazing, but it’s tough to even start it these days and once you manage to run the game, the UI and controls are… pretty outdated to say the least. And I’m saying that as a person who finished original Fallout games recently and who plays other retro games regularly.
I find the pc version awkward to play, but the mobile one is great with a controller, feels like a souped up og Xbox version.
Yeah, I only play at PC and it’s really nothing to write home about.
I think KOTOR is the only Star Wars game I have ever played. I don’t really care if this remake ever comes out, but I’d probably play it.
Are they remaking it with the same bizarre D&D 3.x rules system? I think I’d pass. Those rules were bad.
I would be surprised if it won’t be some generic action game. That’s not what I won’t though.
I wasn’t really playing KotOR for the mechanics originally, but having recently replayed it… yeah not the best rules. I’d probably still play it lol.