I’ve been playing Pokemon Brown on my Miyoo Mini.
Mad Max 2015. I’ve been burned by movie-tie-in games in the past, so I was skeptical going into this.
Man, I’m glad to be proven wrong. This game was literally a blast. The wasteland, the car combat, and the melee combat were fun to explore and play.
It can get repetitive, but I didn’t mind it. Upgrading the magnum opus, improving allied strongholds, and making Max into a road warrior was just so much fun.
If you like the mad max franchise, you might want to give this one a whirl. Also Dinki-Di is the best doggo.
I saw the first two Arkham games (in a remaster collection) were $3 on PSN so I bought it and have been tearing the place apart looking for the Riddler’s shit in Asylum.
Asylum and City are two of my all-time favourite games
I just made it to the Iron Keep in Dark Souls 2. Every year or two ill play through the entire Dark Souls series trying out new builds. I’m doing a dex based power stance build this time. I’ve never done power standing in DS2 before and so far it’s going well. I’m using the falchion and scimitar right now, but am likely going to try out rapiers. I did a powerstance rapiers build in Elden Ring and it was incredibly OP but very fun still. Once I get to DS3 I’ll go with an INT build, for some reason I’ve never done that in DS3.
I’m currently replaying DS3. Just got to Irithyll a couple nights ago. Currently running GUGS until I’ve got the stats for FUGS (my personal favourite weapon in the game)
I’ve tried getting into DS2 many times and just haven’t been enjoying it ever. Not sure what to do, I want to like the game and I want to 100% it like I have with other FS games. Hopefully one day it’ll click for me
DS2 is definitely the odd one of the bunch. I completely understand anyone not getting into it. There’s not really anything major that makes it stand out as being different, but like dozens of small differences that add up. There are very interesting builds that keep me coming back to play it.
It sucks too because I’m a huge fan of the other FS games I’ve played. Elden Ring, Dark Souls 1 & 3, and Sekiro are some of my all-time favourites and those four games probably have more playtime than almost any other game, but I just can’t seem to get into the second one. I’ve picked it up so many times and after one play session don’t want to touch it again
Been continuing my playthrough of bully on ps2 (emulated) since last week. About 35-40% in now. Really enjoying it. Controls are abit clunky and the story can seem a little incoherent at times (eg suddenly a character has disappeared from the school right after doing a mission where he was very much present), but overall it is just alot of fun. Not big on collecting things so wonder what % is needed to complete main story. But got my eyes open to ps2 catalogue now as i never owned this myself and there are lots of gems i have barely or never played before. Was recommended the other ps2-era rockstar games red dead revolver, the warrioes and manhunt last week and i will check those out later.
Intended to play some more neverwinter nights, but didnt find the time. Had a real dnd session tho