The guard rails held last time. Barely. But the thing with guard rails, is that when someone smashes into them, you have to fix them or else they won’t hold the next time they get smashed into. And we did fuck all to fix the government after the last trainwreck so there’s no guard rails this time. There might not even be a chance to vote in a fix in a year and a half, things may be too fucked by then.
The guard rails held last time. Barely. But the thing with guard rails, is that when someone smashes into them, you have to fix them or else they won’t hold the next time they get smashed into. And we did fuck all to fix the government after the last trainwreck so there’s no guard rails this time. There might not even be a chance to vote in a fix in a year and a half, things may be too fucked by then.
The guard rails last time where the democrats having a majority in one half of congress. That guard rail is gone.