
The Trump administration plans to revoke temporary legal status for 240,000 Ukrainians who fled Russia’s war, fast-tracking them for deportation.

The move is part of a broader effort to strip protections from 1.8 million migrants admitted under Biden’s humanitarian parole programs.

Trump’s policies also target 530,000 migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.

Legal challenges are mounting, as affected individuals face uncertain futures. Advocates warn that even U.S. allies, such as Afghans who assisted the military, are now at risk of detention and deportation.

    7 days ago

    My dude. So you understand what a war is and how it works?

    Do you? Have you seen the footage of this war and see what’s going on?

    Do you understand how Russia has done the same?

    Do you understand that drafting people by force like russia is doing is bad?

    Do you understand how 500,000 Russians are now dead because of that?

    Do you understand that bragging about 500.000 dead people is not a good thing?

    Do you understand that those 500,000 dead Russians are invading a country they promised peace with in 1995?

    Do you understand that a good amount of these 500.000 got drafted by force and ordered by the government to invade another country?

    Do you ultimately understand the point you are making is about how the citizens of the Ukraine are being forced by Russia to either fight for their country or die?

    That’s not the point i’m making. Ukraine government isn’t allowing any males between 18-60 from leaving the country, they are forcing them to fight or to stay there and possibly die.

    Which means you are either making your arguments out of bad faith or pure stupidity.

    Do you understand that by defending forced conscription and authoritarian laws you are playing russian government game too?

    If your argument was made in WW2 it would be about how evil the US is for defending Pearl Harbor.

      7 days ago

      Let me explain this simply so you understand the point I am making:

      What would you have Ukraine do? Slow down their conscription? Stop it entirely?

      Alright, heres the game theory results on how changing their conscription rates will effect this war and it’s consequences:

      Outcome 1: No changes to conscription, Ukraine wins the war. Russia leaves their territory.

      Result: hundreds of thousands of dead, you get to complain about how many died from conscription. Most importantly, this war doesn’t reach Europe.

      Because once it does, all those images of war you’ve seen will get much much worse, and the body count much much higher.

      This is the likely outcome of all our other options.

      Outcome 2: Ukraine changes their conscription laws. Less are forced to enroll to defend their country. Their population is MAGNITUDES smaller than Russias, so without the broader conscription laws, they no longer have a fighting force large enough to withstand the endless wall of North Korean and Russian meat being thrown at them.

      Result 2: Russia steam rolls Ukraine. Gets a foot hold on Europe. Declares war on NATO. Starts WW3 and likely the end of peace and modern civilization as we know it. Death toll in the millions, and lots of worse war pictures for you to clutch your pearls about.

      But hey, Ukraine no longer exists, so you don’t have to be critical of their rough conscription laws anymore!

      Outcome 3: Ukraine loses the war anyway. The above happens anyway.

      Result 3: Again. No reason to be critical of their conscription laws, because they don’t exist as a country now.

      Sure, it would have been nice if they had a fighting force large enough to stop Russia’s push into NATO and Europe. Especially considering the force that has historically stood up to this bullshit on the world stage, the US, has now broke bad and aligns with Russia.

      Ukraine is not just defending themselves. They are defending the entirety of Europe and NATO, which is why there’s so many emergency meetings being held to by both to help them.

      Point being. Ukraine conscription is a necessary evil to prevent the worst outcome of Russias actions. If you want to be critical about death and war, then maybe understand how worse WW3 would make all of this, and how Ukrainian conscription is literally the biggest thing holding it back.

      Because that’s how NATO and the Ukraine see it. And that’s how you should see it too. Thinking otherwise, that this isn’t a very likely threat, is to ignore all the images of war you want me to look at.

      Ukraine conscription is to prevent those images from being all across Europe.

        7 days ago

        If you are concerned with this war reaching europe and are so favorable of forced conscription pack your bags and go to the front. You are talking about ukrainians as if they were chess pawns.

          7 days ago

          I’m talking about them like the heroes holding back WW3 that they are. What’s your excuse?

          I’m already doing my part to try and unfuck the US from aligning with Putin to pick the corpse of Europe clean when they’re done with it.

          If I fight in this war, it will be to take my country back from the Russian bullshit that’s taken it over.

          Russia is doing the same across all western countries and elections. They are in an active war with Ukraine at Europe’s footsteps, and NATO is on the verge of collapse because of the US’s withdrawal after aligning with Putin.

          You are naive to believe Russia will stop there after weakening everything protecting Europe.

          You are no different than everyone who thought Hitler would just magically stop after Poland

              7 days ago

              No shit.

              Is it only the biggest spender of propaganda that makes them bad? Or is all propaganda bad? Maybe it’s what propaganda does to a country that’s the problem.

              You know - just like how the propaganda Trump used for his US Covid response killed more Americans than anywhere else in the world. Actually, it’s now killed more Americans than all the wars they’ve ever faught in combined.

              That’s the propaganda I’m fighting. Mostly because it killed friends and family.

              My country is now radicalized not just into voting away their own rights, but their own lives. The dead and suffering are now ignored by the corporate controlled media, to the point where Trump was elected again despite fucking up everything he ever touched and killing over a million citizens.

              Russia is now targeting Canada and Europe using these same tactics, and if those citizens are too resilient, well thankfully he’s about to step over Ukraine to get there too.

              But sure, let’s talk about who’s spending money on propaganda instead of what each kind of propaganda is doing to the world. Definitley makes for a good strawman.

                  6 days ago

                  Covid is not gone in the US. Here’s the CDC data:


                  Thousands are still dying from it every day in March of 2025. Largly due to the poor adoption rate of the vaccine due to propaganda.

                  Good job admitting you’ve turned a blind eye to thousands dying every day. The loss of life only counts when it isn’t American lives right?

                  You’re a really great example of the effects of propaganda making anyone intolerant.

                  But do go on about the spending. Maybe you can figure out how much each American death costs Russia per capita, and compare it to how much they spent to make you apathetic about it.