it says “Remember that it’s not possible to play films on GNU/Linux, but only on other compatible devices”… ahh what a wild world we live in
Wait, they’re not letting you stream because of your OS? That’s bullshit, I’d pirate it on principal at that point. No sense in waisting time trying to get your browser to report a different OS to work around it.
Using Linux means DRM protected content either plays in terrible quality or in RakutenTV’s case not at all. Netflix is limited to 720p with low bitrate and Amazon limits to ~540p.
Changing user agent doesn’t work because it’s the DRM who decides whether the OS is supported.
Linux users have to decide between low quality legal streaming services, or piracy with high quality. It’s not a difficult decision for me and my giant HDD.
Edit: I forgot the third option: streaming sticks (Roku, FireTV).
a funny thing that I’d like to add, is that pirate streaming sites don’t have this limitation. You just open a website, write in a name, and play in on any platform, with good enough quality, free from all streaming services. Piracy is just too good to be true.
Why do they do this?
Because without the proper DRM implementation it’s trivial to rip it. So they’re only letting you rip the low quality version. Which feels really stupid, because people who know how to rip the 4K content exist and are happy to share the results.
Respectful enough to call it GNU/Linux, but not support it… lmao
my exact thought XD