About 70 percent of Ukraine’s population uses Telegram as their main source of news, but the government is worried that the app is being used as a method of disinformation and spying by Russia. They are trying to pivot to apps like Signal instead, but it is difficult to break the habit of such a majority of the country.
Imagine entire country using coms software operated by the enemy.
Are these people idiots or just don’t care for national security?
Are you suggesting that the global reliance on Microsoft by every government could potentially pose an issue?
Indeed but my point here is that Ukraine is at war with Russia…
Ukraine is not at war with US. So risk is Microsoft being imbeciles… Russia literally wants Ukraine wiped out and yet the idiots unable to change an app on their phone because “network effects and habit”
Just wow
The thing with Zelensky’s propaganda is that externally (with people familiar with the situation only from CNN (or whever you get your information from…)) it works an order of magnitude better than internally… :)
So “idiots” use Telegram because not only they see no threat in it (why would they?), but also because it helps to avoid the very real threat of “lawful mobilization actions” by the government.
Oh my…
I know, right? I was also shocked when I discovered that it’s not just the evil-evil Russia who does the propaganda thing! :)
Russia larper spotted
Yeah, I hear this quite often :)
Every Ukrainian who doesnt want to die for Zelensky is a Russian, yeah yeah yeah heard that one more times than I can count.
Cheers :)
People using russian talking-points will get called russin, big surprise
Is anything I’ve said a lie though? Or maybe misinformation? Or maybe I’m manipulating facts? Or maybe “Russian talking-points” is how you label inconvenient truth that you are not willing to accept? :)
Debunk what I’ve said, show everyone that I’m just a Russian propagandist (or even better - a bot) spreading lies and deceptions!
Ah yeah right, why do that if calling someone a “Russian larper” is a good enough argument for some folks… :)
The burden of proof lies with you. You allege that CNN is zelensky-Propaganda. Now prove it. Then I will believe you.
Until then you’re just spreading russian Propaganda.
Do I get it right that you know that
and still somehow make a conclusion that “it is operated by the enemy” (assuming that by enemy you mean Russian government)? I’d like to learn more about this logic :)
Of course they would do that. Nobody would use it if the server was in putin’s bedroom.
Unless it’s auditted and open source then you should assume its spyware.
I do. I use Matrix and recommend it to all my friends.
“Telegram is spyware” was not the original thesis I replied to, it was about “operated by the enemy”.
There are some credible rumors that Durov had financial issues during the pandemic and went back to Russia to strike some sort of deal with the regime there, which would also explain why since then there have been no further attempts to block Telegram in Russia.
What gives those rumors credibility other than “Russia bad”?
If you have links to some sources with some facts - I’d very much like to read them
Thanks, that was an interesting read :)
Of course it doesn’t prove anything (especially that Telegram sends any information about Ukrainians to Russian government!), but at least those allegations indeed have more credibility than the usual “Russia bad”. It also doesn’t say anything about Durov doing something because he had financial problems. And what it definitely doesn’t say is that “Telegram is operated by Russia”.