Apart from being a jerk, it looks like you’re also either just wrong or spreading disinformation
Please specify which part is “wrong or spreading disinformation”
i love you don’t even really need an explanation for this one it’s just straightforward. most communities are unfriendly to even 1 “🤡” but multiple? in succession? at that point it doesn’t matter who your interlocutor is, you might as well be begging for it
If that were true, half of my comments would be removed.
I positing that modding here was done due to content of message. Comments discussing power structure within Germany get removed regularly though.
Dude, what the fuck did you expect?
I’d have banned your ass for stirring shit after the third one
What shit is it I am stirring?
Are you playing? You can’t be that unaware of how you worded any of those comments. Every single one is inflammatory. Moreso, they look like you either intentionally crafted them that way to provoke a response (rage bait), or that’s just the way you think, which is even worse in terms of moderation because anyone that thinks like that and is carrying on as much as you were is nothing but trouble.
Criticizing the regime of the foreign state along woth US with some dramatic flair is rage baiting? What is the proper way to criticize them then?
that’s just the way you think, which is even worse in terms of moderation because anyone that thinks like that and is carrying on as much as you were is nothing but trouble.
What trouble is that? What would happen if my comments were not censored?
Again, it seems like the content was not appreciated and removed so others don’t see it.
Otherwise it removed based on vibes. It is their right to do so but I find it interesting that only certain items I post get removed like that. Other mods don’t seem to care about the artistic presentation.
I understand that you clearly don’t appreciate the style but is it a mods job to censure public forum based on writing style?
What purpose does it serve?
Dude, if you think what you wrote is “dramatic flair”, you gotta go back to theater school.
Seriously. If you aren’t actually aware of it, if you aren’t trolling here, you have a massively disconnected sense of human interaction.
“Jfc learn the history of your own country”.
That alone is an attack, not “dramatic flair”. That alone is enough for a moderator to look at you and give extra scrutiny because it’s how people talk when they’re wanting to cause arguments.
I’m trying hard to keep this on the side of treating you like you just aren’t aware of what you said and how it scans to anyone with a modicum of awareness. I know that not everyone understands how such things are done. I’ve known too many autistic people that think that kind of speech is just being honest rather than being assholery. Even people that are just raised away from their peers can end up with a skewed sense of how to interact with people.
But damn, dude. You may not like it being said, but the way you were writing is douchey as fuck. Like, it’s going to stir shit if left in place because it’s so blatantly confrontational, arrogant, and hyperbolic.
Again, seriously, if that’s the way you’re going to approach a hot button topic, you have to expect your comments being removed. They’re not productive, they’re not informative, they verge on nasty. No moderator is going to see that kind of rhetoric and let it stay up unless they don’t care if the threat devolves into slap fights and chaos.
Remember, you came here with this post, and part of the point of this community is getting opinions about whether or not a given situation is a mod or admin power tripping. I’m telling you that the fact that all they did is remove the comments is 100% them doing the minimum necessary. I’d have banned you permanently. The whole chain of comments reads like you are intending to start slap fights for your own satisfaction.
You don’t have to like that. You don’t even have to agree. But, as much as I hate saying this, go back through the votes on comments you’ve made in response to post, and the post itself. I’m not alone in the opinion that you were out of line, and that your explanation for your behavior isn’t acceptable either. Votes are normally useless, but maybe it’ll show you that no matter what you think, more people would consider your behavior in the screen shot unacceptable.
Per this C/'s sidebar, this is a YDI situation. You didn’t get banned, not even a temporary one. You just had inflammatory comments removed. That’s what mods are supposed to do.
you have a massively disconnected sense of human interaction
Well that’s an interesting justification for censorship.
Adult people discussing adult topics but only if moderator approves content and tone.
Also, OP was inflammatory but I guess calling Americans racist is an acceptable rage bait.
I don’t know what you were expecting going in to the topic with such hostility and aggression, whatever it was I certainly can’t blame those mods for removing your comments, honestly I’m surprised they didn’t ban you from the community for that. You absolutely deserve it.
such hostility and aggression,
Against who?
It’s .world, all of those communities you have to treat with kids gloves, like you’re still on reddit. Their only issue with reddit is the number of ads displayed.
They are just using any pretext to censor content they don’t approve of.
At least we have modlog here!