…yes? Exactly. If they can’t find a way to sell something that fits their ethos then they shouldn’t sell it. Seems like an obvious answer.
Desktop PCs don’t need Framework. They’ve always been and still are modular, repairable and upgradeable but FW managed to design the only one that isn’t. It’s the opposite of everything they supposedly stand for.
They wasted resources on this instead of building other amazing hardware.
Yes I’m aware. What’s your point?
I guess I’m not sure what you want Framework to due instead. Just not launch this at all? What alternative are you advocating for?
…yes? Exactly. If they can’t find a way to sell something that fits their ethos then they shouldn’t sell it. Seems like an obvious answer.
Desktop PCs don’t need Framework. They’ve always been and still are modular, repairable and upgradeable but FW managed to design the only one that isn’t. It’s the opposite of everything they supposedly stand for.
They wasted resources on this instead of building other amazing hardware.