We all need to strike
we all ARE striking daily. We’re fighting bullshit RTO mandates and quiet quitting everyday
Hahahahaha. You think that’s what a strike is? A strike isn’t just a slight battle against the company. It’s an all out war. So to speak. It’s insulting to those actually in unions who walk the picket lines to suggest refusing rto is a strike.
Please actually organize.
you should try to get off of your imaginary high horse or you might hurt yourself.
A strike is a refusal to commit labour to the company. Same as not doing a good job. In japan the ticket checkers had a strike where they did their job as usual but did not collect the payment for issuing tickets. THAT was considered a strike.
why must quiet quitting not be considered too? We don’t participate in whatever greedy venture by doing the bare minimum.
Because when they did that, it was actively less than the bare minimum. If you do the bare minimum, you’re still doing your job. Hence, not a strike.
You also aren’t organized, which is another good reason to not call it a strike. A strike isn’t a few workers doing how they feel like.
In America, when you strike you put up a picket line. You tell the company, this is what we want, and will do nothing for you until you meet our demands. And you do it together.
As long as you are getting paid, you can hardly call it a strike
If only tech workers weren’t allergic to unions that’d be great
It’s like the entire white collar industry. I think they think it’s beneath them, and they think they will be special.
Eh… having unions sounds good to me… a white collar worker. I am just not considered part of the labour class by blue collar workers. So it makes me feel isolated. Don’t be mistaken, we keyboard thumpers already fight corporate bullshit daily. Th e disdain is from blue collar workers.
. I am just not considered part of the labour class by blue collar workers.
Unions can and still lead you to resources and help you unionize. You can’t blame blue collar workers.
I didn’t blame blue collar workers. I said I was isolated because even though both white collar and blue collar workers sell their labour for a living, somehow we are never accepted as real labour just because the elite among us make $500k a year for instance.
I mean you’re still the working class. But a desk job is quite literally not labour. Labour is physical work, specifically lol
Labour is physical work but working your eyes and brain is also taxing. It’s just a different set of muscles/organs. Sitting at the desk all day is also taxing. it’s just not evident enough to people who see an AC and think that’s comfortable. It’s not healthy long term. Leads to all sorts of health issues.
Many of us tech workers joke that we will make our bag of money, retire, and go do farming. But you must understand why we joke like that.
For a lack of physical activity, desk workers suffer numerous health issues due to sitting all day/lack of movement. We are deprived of natural sunlight and wind in our badly lit offices staring at bright screens.
My point is that I said i felt isolated by blue collar workers not considering tech workers as the same class. You just went ahead and proved my point.
this is one of the reasons you don’t see class solidarity from tech workers. The blue collar bunch think we are somehow same as the capitalist class.
I also think the definition of labourer is not as myopic as you make it out to be. If one sells their time/works for money then they are labourers. Only those who make their money/capital/resources work for them cannot be considered labourer. Even a manager is a labourer. I would exclude CEOs because they invest and are also board members in their buddies’ companies. Their employ is just a facade to maintain control and keep the power “within the family” so to speak.