Do you have a set time, or do you do it on the deadline date, or perhaps whenever you remember to?
I am trying to figure out when I should.
Somewhere around now I try to get like 80% of things entered – then I procrastinate on the last %20.
I figure out if I need to pay or I get money back ASAP. If I expect money back, I file as quickly as possible. If I owe, stall.
Probably this weekend. I need to double check that I got all necessary documents. It’s cold outside, I have a cold, in a lul for sports and entertainment and hobbies, so now is the time for me to get taxes over and done with.
I’d like to get started as soon as possible, but a lot of places seem to like to wait until the last possible second to send me my information.
I think we’re finally at the point where I should have everything I need, so I guess I should get started.
Ideally? Now.
In reality? 5 days before the extension deadline ends.
Ah shit, thanks for reminding me.
i did it like january 5th
April 15 this year? Starting April 14.
I just send my stuff to Jim sometime in February or March, and he takes care of it.