In you’re daily life do people praise psychotic people or behavior? Most of the time I feel like I’m a psycho that has to work with general public. It’s not like I’m aggressive, I just decide that how a stranger feels doesn’t matter as much as whatever I need.

    2 days ago

    It’s not a decision. You would feel no fear, no anxiety, no shame. That would allow you to walk through people’s boundaries with ease because you aren’t afraid of any of the outcomes. It’s not a moral decision, it’s your nature. A lot of people like to glorify this type of stuff, but the reality of it isn’t like in the movies. I work with psychopaths everyday in my work setting and they aren’t the smooth cool guys like in the movies. They are dysfunctional, short sited, and completely untrustworthy. They usually get spotted for what they are pretty quickly because they aren’t very smart. Some are smart, but even they eventually get figured out too. Everything they do is self serving, dishonest, and completely without honor which people catch onto quickly. It’s not something you want to be. Sure, there are places for them in society, but the useful ones are few and far between. The majority of them are worthless. The fact you’re even asking this shows that you are self reflective which makes me think you’re probably not one.

    Also, society is warming up to the idea of having almost no morals and integrity which is why Trump got elected. It’s why you see a bunch of young people acting like they want to be the guy from American psycho.

      2 days ago


      Psycopathy/Sociopathy (They’ve been merged together into ASPD as of the DSM 5) is 100% normalized, actually idealized, often literally worshipped, promoted as the mode of behavior of a successful, powerful person.

      … So long as you don’t directly go around murdering and robbing and defrauding people yourself, one at a time, if you can do all that indirectly via commanding or directing a complex, layered, system, then congrats, your psycopathy produces concentrated profits and socialized misery, and tens of millions of idiots will believe you are a role model.

    3 days ago

    meh. you’re not a psycho.

    compassion is a muscle. if you’ve never spent much time, dedication, or effort working on empathizing with other people you won’t be good at it (or even think about it).

    we just so happen to live in society where those skills are not as rewarded compared to being self centered, independent, and ruthless. conditions maketh the man. hang out with someone who’s got a lot of compassion and concern for the feelings of others and you’ll quickly realize what you thought was your personality is actually a learned maladaptive response to living in a cruel and apathetic world.