That, I can’t deny.
They managed the cheapest space missions in a high cost country.
Cost cutting ≠ Sales Price cutting
… vs desire to do the thing + on-paper qualifications.
I guess both is good
“guy I know” > webdev
desire to do the thing vs on-paper qualifications
Well, that’s how it tends to be in most places.
You don’t get caught for downloading; you get caught for uploading.
Using a similar logic to distribution via DVDs. Only the seller gets into trouble. The buyer does not.
Another point, opening a web page means downloading it, so if someone wanted to frame someone for downloading something, it would be very easy to make such a trap. This, accompanied with CSAM and network monitoring could be used to easily get any person using the internet, in jail, just for opening the wrong link. So, the laws require much more information regarding intent and such.
Well, I couldn’t find anything else out of it, but maybe you can. Here’s the rest of their faeces. 💩 💩 💩 💩
Here I recovered a bit from their faeces.
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I always wondered why I always had a hard time making developers not call “if” a “loop”.
Turns out it was on their tests.
Glad I didn’t read my college material, or I would have lost faith in my college professors.
Last time that happened to me, it was a mirror, but also not.
I had moved functions from one file to another without changing the contents. As a result, all those lines referred to me.
And since I started thinking, I found this