8 days agoSurprisingly, yes. I made some risky decisions between 2020-2022 that paid off significantly, though.
The pandemic turned my prior job to 100% remote and I got in writing from their HR that I could move anywhere in my province. This allowed me to find a house I was able to afford buying, so that’s what I did with the support of my wife. About a year after that I got a much higher paying job local to my new home, which is when I beat or matched my parent’s income at the time which certainly was more than when she was my age.
I lept into the unknown and didn’t die, it’s been great!
Lightning bugs, aka Fireflies, are harmless. Their little butts just emit flashes of light from internal chemical reaction, like a short lived glow stick. If you encounter a field with a bunch of them, it’s real pretty.