Almost like he’s trying to flick the bic
Almost like he’s trying to flick the bic
Shout outs to pardoning Ross Ulbricht, while blaming Canada for fent
Yeah, I was really confused when I used to identify with libertarianism, and got lumped in with conservatives. I always hated those authoritarians, and the corporations they rode in on.
I’m really glad to see this.
Penn Jillette played a big role in who I am today. Bullshit! helped shape my skepticism in my late teens, and I was fascinated with magic even earlier than that. I went on to adopt some libertarian views and listened to his podcast for years, but I grew away from him during COVID because I was seeing how his position was harming people. I always thought he was a smart respectable guy, so seeing him reflect and change is heartwarming.
It does make me question what things could be fake without us knowing. You’d think a government propaganda machine would have access to more advanced AI than internet shit posters
The woman covering her face, and the setting are real. Obviously all the props and exaggerated gestures and things are fake. This is the only AI video I’ve seen but it’s very obviously parody
Getting 120fps in the tutorial on steam deck, pretty impressive
Yikes, I haven’t seen the wealth distro one in a while.
I’m still firmly in the 2nd amendment camp, especially given the current climate.
Thanks for the links