Geographical aspects are incomparable between 1930 and 2025. Germany is a lot smaller in 2025 than in 1930 and German division hadn’t happened yet in 1930.
Geographical aspects are incomparable between 1930 and 2025. Germany is a lot smaller in 2025 than in 1930 and German division hadn’t happened yet in 1930.
A bear walks into a bar and says “I’ll have a …....…...….….….….….. beer.” The bartender asks: “Why the big pause?” The bear responds: “I don’t know, I was born with them.”
(Pic in OP relevant. Even bear cubs have big paws.)
Antau longa tempo (antau ol la fediverso ekzistis) mi estis tre aktiva en la forumo de - nun mi demandas min, chu eble ghiaj administristoj pretus konekti tiun forumon al la fediverso? Eble iu, kiu legas tion chi, ankorau havas manieron kontakti ilin pri tiu ideo. Ghi certe estus bona por ilia forumo, por la fediverso, por Esperanto.
Chu vi konas aktivan Esperanto-komunumon en la fediverso? Mi abonas ! kaj ! kaj ! kaj apenau iam ajn iu afishas ion ajn en iu ajn el ili. :/
What is the stereotype about dbzero? Out of the loop on that.
The great thing about the fediverse is that it is harder to censor: as long as you find one instance where you can publish some information, you can publish it.
The bad thing about the fediverse is that it is also harder to moderate: as long as a spammer or troll finds one instance from which they can send unwanted messages, they will be able to send them.