2 days agoParties can be small and then become quite big and a majority. The Bolsheviks were a minority, don’t forget it. It works also the other way around, look how the SED disappeared.
Parties can be small and then become quite big and a majority. The Bolsheviks were a minority, don’t forget it. It works also the other way around, look how the SED disappeared.
Caring for it also means additional work. People have jobs, so there is not always time. Also if I remember right there are some weird laws regarding having a garden in the USA, so you actually don’t have the freedom to do everything you want with it.
The Soviet Union had datschas and the were great. I have great memories about the datscha of my grandparents. There was a vast amount of cucumbers, tomatoes, strawberries and and and. The taste was something to remember for eternity. But it took so much work time to care for this all. In the 90s having a datscha was a good key to survive those times. But you had still your work to do every day and sometimes after work or on the weekends you worked on the datscha.
Even if you have your petite bourgeoisie middle-class household in the USA with a garden, it still takes a lot of time. And you also need knowledge. Additionally you also have normal workers which saved enough money for a credit to buy a house and they have to work their ass off to pay it all off.
The question is simple, why don’t they “just” do it? But the more you think about it, the more reasons you find, why the answer is a longer one.
Also I would rather save money and advise to leave this country, buy a house somewhere else and then plant there your trees and bushes. Even in some Siberian city with a low population you will get at least treated for free if you are sick and don’t have to think about planting something eadible, because you are now indebted for 20 generations for having an illness.