Asking consumers to conserve water while allowing golf courses to exist is kind of funny, you have to admit.
/u/outwrangle before everything went to shit in 2020, /u/emma_lazarus for a while after that, now I’m all queermunist!
Asking consumers to conserve water while allowing golf courses to exist is kind of funny, you have to admit.
A money maker for who? My understanding is none of these companies have turned a profit on their models.
I’m intolerant of colonial language. The way “American” is used by English speakers to mean “USAmerican” is actually just US chauvinism. They think they are the center of the world and so of course American only refers to them, even though there’s a bunch of other countries in the Americas and the majority of Americans don’t actually live in the US.
That’s always going to be vastly more expensive than just eating plants, it’s just not a realistic way to feed everyone. It could really only ever be a sometimes food.
Meat is a vector for all pandemics, so the goal should be to create a world where no one ever has to eat meat ever again.
HIV-1 virus exposure was most likely from bushmeat trade. COVID might have as well.
You’re curious how beans and rice scales to 350 million people?
And while you’re legally following all the rules they’re already moving on to the next thing and cornering you before you even act.
This is your landlord illegally evicting you and then also lying to get you arrested and then paying someone to murder you in jail.