I respectfully disagree that the party could never change due to their current funding, and I am rubbed the wrong way by how you continue to seem to push that I shouldn’t support better politicians just because they aren’t perfect.
I respectfully disagree that the party could never change due to their current funding, and I am rubbed the wrong way by how you continue to seem to push that I shouldn’t support better politicians just because they aren’t perfect.
Bernie and those like him have informed me and many others of what a good politician can look like and may have inspired others like AOC to start their career. I will support them as much as I can because they may inspire even more like them to actually have enough people to make a meaningful change in the party or, if we miraculously get away from the two party system, spin up a new one.
Unfortunately I dont have the time or willpower to go into detail and I do disagree with how you want change to come about, but if what you want happens, I truly hope it results in a better society for people to live in. I think we can both agree we just want things to be better for people.