Me too, man, I miss the 3DS era. I need to go back and replay A Link Between Worlds, at least.
Me too, man, I miss the 3DS era. I need to go back and replay A Link Between Worlds, at least.
Not that I like suits, but you don’t think the one on the left looks stupid? Like in a fashion sense. Like in a graphic design sense.
Ohhh, so it doesn’t matter. I see.
You should just say “human beings are not lizards,” then. Your focus on them being real or not is sleight of hand. It’s dishonest. It suggests you’re insecure about your real ideas not being very likeable.
[edit] They got deleted. xD Oof.
Question: If we found the skeletal remains of a dragon in east asia somewhere, would you then be fine with ‘dragon’ as a neo-pronoun?
You seem to think this is self-evidently obvious.
How does it “understand the strategic aspects of the game really well” if it can’t solve problems it hasn’t seen the answers to?
When games that are losses for the AI from humans are included, the bug is fixed.
You’re not grasping the fundamental problem here.
This is like saying a calculator understands math because when you plug in the right functions, you get the right answers.
I don’t think I run on AMD or Intel, so uh, yes.