I lived in a few different states and I’ve never lived some place where folks didn’t have 30 days to vote early and in person. I’m NOT talking about mail in whatever. 30 days! Just drop by. Not crowded. Not a big deal.
I lived in a few different states and I’ve never lived some place where folks didn’t have 30 days to vote early and in person. I’m NOT talking about mail in whatever. 30 days! Just drop by. Not crowded. Not a big deal.
I’m gonna need links. It’s been a while but last time I read the IPCC reports executive summary there was no such predictions and certainly not going out multiple centuries.
There is nothing in the IPCC reports that even come close to civilization-ending predictions from climate change.
It took me until my late thirties but I figured it out. I break my mental freeze from a compliment by just saying out loud what just happened. I say, “That was a compliment.” Then natural empathy and politeness take over and I continue with, “Thank you for the kind words.” This can happen simultaneously with feeling and silently processing the shame and discomfort that being complimented causes.
Good luck everyone.
Fuck gawd damn, I don’t know who I’m angrier at more: myself or the joke writer.
The humor lies in the dual meaning of the horticultural labor task and the selective bias fallacy having the same idiomatic phrase of “cherry picking”. And that is all there is to the humor.