It’s really hard to see that as an equal issue when one of those sides is literally in charge of creating & enforcing the law.
People proclaiming stupidities is a problem that is magnitudes smaller than an administration with the ability and will to perform stupidities
Social Security is an investment in the health of our society, it’s not a financial instrument. You can’t pool risk and get predictable returns without cutting corners & dropping high-risk members (hello health insurance industry).
It’s not a Ponzi Scheme by definition.
It IS a scheme, in that it’s a system, plan, or action.
It is NOT a Ponzi Scheme because it does not promise investment returns or exaggerate profitability.
It’s there to keep retirees & the disabled out of abject poverty, which does not provide returns you can usually see on a balance sheet. Greater good & all that…
In a 5-4 ruling written by Justice Samuel Alito, the court blocked the EPA from issuing permits that make a permittee responsible for surface water quality, or “end result” permits – a new term coined by the court.
I also don’t know, but get really suspicious if Alito needs to invent a “new term” to frame the case with