The fact you are asking scares me a little. If you are seriously thinking about this, please don’t - you will very likely become an open relay, which is bad for everyone. It won’t even help with your privacy concerns. Seriously. Running a mail server is a full time job.
I use Firefox for most things, but Google Meet maxes out all my CPUs if I use Firefox. Any kind of screen sharing kills it. Suggestions on how I can get video encoding working greatly appreciated… Intel Xe graphics.
Hosting email is hard. Getting your reputation up to a point where emails will even be delivered is challenging, and then you have to worry about the absolute non-stop attacks on your server. Patch, patch, patch…
And that worked out really well…
Also, consider the hypotherical case where the Kill All Kittens party wins the most votes, but at 30%, thankfully, it doesn’t have a majority. Understandably, none of the other parties want to form a coalition with this party. Should they be forced to? Should we start killing kittens, even though a majority didn’t vote for that?
They had an opportunity to form a government, they failed. What should have happened in your opinion?
I mean, Romania can just ship everything to some other EU state first. How dependent is Romania’s economy on the U.S. anyway?
They can’t apply tarrifs to Romania, only the EU as a whole, and that’s would open a can of worms.
It was more of a non aggression pact, to be fair.
I mean… your email client can already do that, so I’m not sure what the point would be.