Liches ain’t shit, but foes and tricks
Phylactery gems that one has hid…
Liches ain’t shit, but foes and tricks
Phylactery gems that one has hid…
My Canon photo printer can be converted to a tank-style with a drill and a highly illegal cartridge resetter. 😂
I heard Brother was good, then I spent way too long formatting different USB sticks in different cluster sizes and formats, and never got ours to work with any of them. Don’t buy Brother if you want that feature, either.
grub’s always been a hack. The first stage in 512 byte boot sector chainloads the second stage in the space between boot sector and the first sectors of first partition. Second stage chainloads the kernel. (This is my primitive gist.)
grub was never made for security, it just exists in a place where one would think security would be priority… but again, physical access = pwned, etc.
Not quite the same, but funny: I recently unlocked an HDD from a car head unit to prove to a friend that it was only storing music ripped from its CD drive (and the associated minimal CD title database)… Toshiba master HDD password is 32 spaces. 😅
Better replace your keyboard everytime you leave it unattended, someone could put a keylogger in it. Don’t forget to check for hidden pinhole cameras around that capture you inputting your passwords. Etc, etc. Those even work against an encrypted drive…
Jesus, the downvotes! Well, I thought it was funny! 😂
Even if you understand the commands, you need to trust the website because a malicious site can use JavaScript to copy something completely different into your clipboard, with a newline character at the end to automatically execute when pasted. (Is the newline exploit fixed in all shells? It used to fail in zsh but work in many others…)
One can also paste into a text editor to verify before pasting into terminal, but what noob is going to know or bother to?
Who will rake the leaves? Not raking the leaves is the cause of the recent increased wildfires, according to Donald Trump’s own word salad.
Aye, mate!
raises flagon of grog
I got it from, author is a bit wacky but seems to have his heart in the right place.
Fake laws! Executive orders also say everyone in the US is female; one’s gender is now only determined by their body’s plumbing at conception 😂
Era of clown computing.
Didn’t Google and Nvidia just throw everything they had into a concerted AGI effort and fail?! 🤣
Registration required.
Anyone know about family sharing “tools” as opposed to “games”? I bought RPG Makers but can’t share them because they’re classified as tools and not games.
“Abortion debate” and all other culture warfare is only to keep the masses busy fighting each other so they don’t engage the rich in class warfare.