Wait guys there is already a community and I even was a member already: c/discordianism (sorry don’t know how to find a community link on voyager mobile, just use search)
Wait guys there is already a community and I even was a member already: c/discordianism (sorry don’t know how to find a community link on voyager mobile, just use search)
I have sent my telekinetic powers across the noösphere, now we wait until a brave soul actually starts doing it because I have no idea how to create and maintain instances either but maybe I’ll look into it
It’s like descartian but with a twist
I remember facebook had a really nice Discordian group, but people there were mostly older and I don’t think they would consider moving to an alternative platform or if they are moslty even aware of fediverse, but by my papal decree I shall announce a new instance devoted to our Lady
Wow turns out there already is one: c/discordianism