That depends entirely on how good you are at managing your money. With regular payments you’d still have a ridiculous amount of money even the first month, and no matter how badly you fuck up you’re still rich 20 years from now.
That depends entirely on how good you are at managing your money. With regular payments you’d still have a ridiculous amount of money even the first month, and no matter how badly you fuck up you’re still rich 20 years from now.
There was definitely some fuckery behind the scenes in 2020 also. Everyone pulled out and endorsed Biden at the same time.
It’s not just about finding the best candidate, it’s also about not disillusioning the voters by very obviously ratfucking the primary. Don’t piss off your voters right before a general election! Why do we even have to say this?
They didn’t even have a good reason to do so, because Bernie would have lost anyway. Just let him lose fair and square without pissing anyone off! And I say this as a Bernie voter. He was a good influence on the candidates, but he didn’t even win Washington State last time. No way would he have won a fair primary. The protest votes would have tapered off as soon as he looked like a real contender.
Just because you can communicate with them doesn’t mean they want to talk to you.
Not sure what phone you have, but on Android you just hit power and volume down at the same time.
I refuse to believe that there are no women who enjoy Warhammer 40k.
Oh, there’ll still be a government. But they may not be willing to ship his checks to the labor camp.