Where’s “surprise power over Ethernet” when you need it? Need to blow up the laptop of any cheeky fucker that unplugs one of my remote wifi repeaters to connect their own stuff up…
Where’s “surprise power over Ethernet” when you need it? Need to blow up the laptop of any cheeky fucker that unplugs one of my remote wifi repeaters to connect their own stuff up…
Now that sounds interesting!
Man alive, all that time I wasted learning LaTeX in that case. Supports tables properly, “floats” pictures and figures about without messing up the flow of text, exceptional support for equations, beautiful printed output…
Suffers from a completely insane macro-writing language, and its markup is more intrusive in the text than markdown’s is. Also, if you have very specific formatting output requirements (for a receiving publication, for instance) then it can be somewhat painful to whip into shape. Plain-text gang forever, though.
Nicole the Polish girl from Toronto is my fediverse girlfriend, damnit. Get your own.
Joining up your pentagram clockwise? And that one’s not really large enough to stand in the centre of, not you’ve inscribed your blasphemous sacrament in Enochian anyway. Summoning circle for small children, maybe, not someone in their 30s. Amateurs.