Ah yes now I can… dereference a raw pointer (yes that’s essentially the only thing unsafe rust actually enables you to do, it doesn’t disable the borrow checker or anything else, it just allows you to play with pointers)
Yo whatup
Ah yes now I can… dereference a raw pointer (yes that’s essentially the only thing unsafe rust actually enables you to do, it doesn’t disable the borrow checker or anything else, it just allows you to play with pointers)
There’s gonna be an oh shit moment for a lot of the supporters hopefully, but the actual people in power want the government to collapse. Their goal is to remake all aspects of the government as a private for profit business. The first steps in such a plan is obviously the destruction of public services like the Mail.
The goal here is not actually to save money for the US government, it’s to make money from replacing the government with your own private businesses