Because they don’t fight back unlike the billionaires who threaten to take jobs away / donate to their political rivals, the criminals who blackmail or threaten bodily harm (since this is Italy we’re taking about), and the individuals who fall into both categories.
Given the overwhelming support for him online I’d say his legal team wouldn’t be doing their jobs properly if they didn’t know.
And thus the unicode consortium has brought us full circle.
Ah, so it stated that in the article or you’re a qualified psychiatrist?
This is it, this is how the reality which has hit or will hit almost every Trump supporter or fence sitter. Once he goes from being “just joking / saying something controversial for political gain” and “he doesn’t mean it, he’s just memeing” to actually impacting them directly or an area they know about then they realise what the rest of us have been screaming: he wasn’t just joking, he was testing a boundary, and they didn’t push back.