Men and comphets are wild. The guy cheated on his girlsfriend and he is still panicking about himself and if he is gay rather than the harm to her. Dickhead
Men and comphets are wild. The guy cheated on his girlsfriend and he is still panicking about himself and if he is gay rather than the harm to her. Dickhead
If you know how to script in python, I’d recommend throwing together a script that uses faker to generate fake personal info then throw it into their forms using requests and a post request. BeautifulSoup and Selenium can also be useful. Hop VPN after every cycle.
Emails are a bit of a pain to do it with but I keep a personal list of mailing lists to sign people up to.
I would argue the issue to be communication. It is his responsibility to communicate his needs with her before violating her boundaries. Its a consent violation at the end of the day.