Money, the reason is money.
I appreciate this post, really helps me fill out my block list. It is sad that people cannot just let others live as they want.
Supreme court: “Hmm, sounds like you need to increase YOUR border security!”
Imagine pandering to a fanbase. That has never worked before.
I think I am for this use of AI. Specifically for image moderation, not really community moderation. Yes, it would be subject to whatever bias they want, but they already moderate with a bias.
If they could create this technology, situations like the linked article could be avoided: https://www.cnn.com/2024/12/22/business/facebook-content-moderators-kenya-ptsd-intl/index.html
Edit: To be clear, not to replace existing reddit mods, but to be a supplemental tool.
Hmm, looks like it has been used by a variety of people for a while. This is what I could find, but if you have a better source for that claim, I am open to correction.