I was lucky that my family had a Mac when I was a kid. I did all my stupid downloading of random .exe files from sketchy sites on a machine that couldn’t run them, and by the time I got my own PC in high school, I knew a bit better.
I was lucky that my family had a Mac when I was a kid. I did all my stupid downloading of random .exe files from sketchy sites on a machine that couldn’t run them, and by the time I got my own PC in high school, I knew a bit better.
Zero responsibility, no; many did vote for him , but significantly more didn’t. If you want to hunt down the people who voted for him, sure, but I voted against him in every election knowing something like this would happen, and I’m not responsible for it. The same can be said of a significant amount of Americans. To lump us all together would be like bombing a hospital full of innocent victims to get at some members of Hamas.
I had my annual review last week, and they told me they base their new hire workload goals on the amount of work I do. I’m happy to do my part in bringing down expectations!
I think some of those purple ones should instead be labeled “If you can find a way to get it to stick around long enough for you to lick, you’ll win a posthumous Nobel prize.”