I’m just going to assume you’re one of those “libertarian socialist” cryptofash pedophiles since I’ve burnt out every good faith interpretation.
~~https://mastodon.social/@omegahaxors~~ My mastodon account has been permanently suspended. I have my data exported so I can start my account up again, if I ever do that I will update my account link here, but with bad of a taste the platform has put in my mouth, I probably won’t migrate.
I’m just going to assume you’re one of those “libertarian socialist” cryptofash pedophiles since I’ve burnt out every good faith interpretation.
Just a hint: if you find yourself accidentally doing racism, maybe stop and consider if you’re doing the right thing.
Liberals would sooner censor out the surface level racism than consider if maybe the underlying message is racist.
I can tell, actual anarchists are joining unions, salting workplaces, spreading agitprop and changing minds. Not siding with nazis on the internet by spreading anticommunism. You know, actual anarchists such as myself and most of the people calling you out on here??
I said it before and i’ll say it again: If MLs are giving you problems it’s because to them you look like a nazi because you’re acting like one.
I don’t give a shit about MLs just exhausted at how anarchists will go DEFCON 2 at socialists but are totally OK working with actual fascists, and anyone pointing out this contradiction is immediately branded thought-terminating cliche number 46.
List one time in human history where anarchists didn’t just turn around and play nice with nazis to push back against whatever socialist was in power. I can use an example that will help you see what i’m getting at: Social Democrats. They turn on the left so fucking fast.
Just a thought, maybe it’s because you all start acting like nazis the instant the government turns socialist? Maybe consider not doing that??
Cool, continue to do so in ways that don’t align with nazis.
You are when you do that.
Just going to say what I say every time this shit shows its ugly head: Anticommunism is always profascism. You are siding with nazis.
EDIT: when the place starts getting infested with nazis you have nobody to blame but yourself for effectively inviting them over.
Ahaa!! I fucking called it!!