Fingerprinting bypasses all your efforts.
Fingerprinting bypasses all your efforts.
What does VPN hide that HTTPS can’t hide for media server?
I am looking at the scenario of listening to my music collection on self-hosted Jellyfin server.
IP address of my phone? That’s irrelevant.
HTTPS is way faster than VPN.
If you are really concerned, buy VPC from large cloud provider, install HTTPS server proxy, configure your web browser to use it. 512MB RAM server will be sufficient as long as it is given enough CPU. Free google instance is suffering from low CPU, not memory.
This way your link between you and internet provider is obscured. Your IP will be shared with others by cloud provider, so you get some obfuscation on that end.
If you use your own certificate authority, then you will get 100% man in the middle protection for link between internet provider and your home. If you use let’s encrypt, then we don’t know that status.
Advantage of this model is speed.
Your browser is still finger-printable, as always.
Securing DNS is its own topic.
You shifted your identity to cloud provider, so it is never 100% safe.
Forget about we keep no logs VPN statements. Judge order and you are logged by VPN provider and don’t know it. So what are you paying for? Slow speed and obfuscation of IP?