5 days agoAs much as I’d like to see this BS punished, I can sympathize with workers who return to their job. I’m sure a lot of the folks affected would like to respond meaningfully to their unlawful termination but in real life the bills need to be paid.
As a Canadian - I don’t want to fight the US indefinitely. Our countries are much better off together than apart and everyone with any economic training knows it. I really like a lot of Americans, and they like me. I have had multiple Americans apologize and insult the Trump administration in the strongest language possible. I absolutely know this trade war and abuse from Trump et al. is not what my friends even remotely want.
But your government right now is intolerable. So I’m very much in support of this wave of Canadian national indignation and FAFO but I hope it doesn’t last for long. As long as it takes, but the quicker our two countries return to cooperation the better for citizens of both nations. Even if everyone wanted to, decades of steadfast alliance cannot be undone cleanly and would likely leave our two nations weaker for it.