First, that article literally says the process engineering analysis that paints a very dire picture of the scalability of cultured meat is difficult to find, so maybe cool it on “you should have known better.” However, it also is clear that there are A LOT of technical hurdles to overcome for lab meat, but it’s no more dead end than fusion research. It’s an important, arguably vital, area of study and research that needs to be seriously invested in so that we can one day introduce it to the toolkit of sustainable support for human society and life. While your sources have convinced me that lab meat is currently nowhere near scalable and likely will take significant developments in the culture process and even meat cells, I think your aggressive and extremely skeptical take on its value at all is more than a bit silly.
Greenland is one of the only (the only?) largely indigenous governed country (ish) in the world and one of its official languages alongside Danish is Greenlandic, an inuit language. So, yea, for some shitty old white American dude to continue to demand annexing this country is some fucking wild bullshit.