Dad was a programmer on IBM 700/7000 series. He always slashed the letter O. Years later in programming people were slashing zeroes and I was mighty confused. Some greybeard explained it eventually.
Recovering academic now in public safety. You’ll find me kibitzing on brains (my academic expertise) to critical infrastructure and resilience (current worklife). Also hockey, games, music just because.
Dad was a programmer on IBM 700/7000 series. He always slashed the letter O. Years later in programming people were slashing zeroes and I was mighty confused. Some greybeard explained it eventually.
Dildos have been around a lot longer than that.
My understanding is that “hysteria” legitimized the use of the vibrator (not unlike how “weight loss” was used in the 1980s to prescribe fentanyl), but they were around before that, and probably would have found another way of entering the mainstream.