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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: December 13th, 2024


  • and with that, the prospect of a shooting war between Russkiy Mir, and the parts of NATO that havent fallen to Fascist Gangsters, just went up dramatically.

    If you have to ask what Russkiy Mir is, it’s “Russian World” its a genocidal, imperialist ideology that largely outlines Russia’s fantasies that they’re currentley working towards, thats what all the fascist optics have been with them for the last 4 years with the Z O V shit.

    Good job you R****ds. but your’e in for big fucking surprise if you think this is going to end the war. One way, or another, its going to get much messier, whether by European intervention, or Ukrainian insurgency and terrorism. Russia is still completely fucked. I hope it was worth it, all for Bunker Grandpa’s legacy.

    America , are you done now? , go argue about bathroom doors or something, since you’ve so clearly checked out of the rest of the world. Enjoy cyberpunk dystopian hell, except its none of the cool tech, and just Corpos raping your society.

  • If you are European, I would start taking heed of your government’s warnings of the past year, and understand that your country will be openly at war with Russia very soon.

    if you are American, I would start getting used to the idea that Civil War is probably inevitable.

    If you are Canadian, Start taking lessons from the history of Vietnam, Iraq, Finland, and Ukraine. Its going to be especially bad for us. Surrounded by enemies and our Allies an ocean away and dealing with their own war with Russia

    If you are Russian, get ready to die as the bunker grandfather uses you like cattle.

    If you are Chinese, get ready to win by doing nothing.

    If you are a New Zealander, Any room left?

  • I am going to be the least surprised person in the world when there is a “terrorist attack” against America that gets linked to pissed off Ukrainians.

    America is no longer a soveriegn state, its a meat puppet thats beholden to Corpo-Fascists, Israel, and the Russian Mafia.

    Ukraine might as well terminate relations with the US, and join hands with Europe and get ready for larger war, because thats the only place this is going.

    Ukrainian/American diplomacy on ending the war is pointless, America is on the side of Russia, and Russia has no intention of peace, they want Ukraine to cease to exist. There is nothing to talk about anymore.