How would one guess? Only americans are arrogant enough to assume the whole internet is american?
How would one guess? Only americans are arrogant enough to assume the whole internet is american?
Why would someone post something like OP without stating what constitution it is? Do they expect only americans to read it? Maybe keep your american jokes in american specific communities.
How many Americans know the first few words of the Australian constitution? Not many. So they can’t expect me to know theirs
How am I meant to know about every other country’s constitution?
What country are they taking about if not Australia? Do other countries even have constitutions?
Incorrect. Learn a thing or two before you post online.
Which constitution is this? It’s not our one.
If you ignore all the headings and contents pages, I think it’s “whereas”… So what’s your point? Whereas isn’t a pronoun.
The recommended amount contains a buffer. No need to add your own buffer as well
You missed a )
I’m not ignorant. I’m making a point, you drongo.