It was never about saving money. It was always about dismantling the government so that the oligarchs could carve out their own personal fiefdoms out of whatever’s left.
It was never about saving money. It was always about dismantling the government so that the oligarchs could carve out their own personal fiefdoms out of whatever’s left.
I think it did have an early access period at some point. I also seemed to have the backer DLC, which gives a little boost to resources and a weapon for the early game.
I’ve been playing through Black Skylanda lately.
I originally put it down because the top-down perspective was a bit jarring, but have been having fun taking down sky pirates both on land and in the air since I’ve picked it back up.
So far the upgrade paths and the currency gain for those upgrades have been mostly on par with each other, so I haven’t felt the need to grind mats for anything. I can rescue a stranded pilot or two, liberate an island, and carve out a new parking location for my big ship all in one sitting, which makes it feel as though just about anything I do is progressing something.
Looking forward to more!
It’s what the administration demanded in order to ‘talk to’ Putin about ending the war in Ukraine.