I hope Ukraine doesn’t cede anything at all.
I hope Ukraine doesn’t cede anything at all.
I know it’s just memes. Am I not allowed to poke fun on a meme shitposting c/?
This is the height of the American palate. JFC they cook with cheetos, processed “cheese” and sprite FFS.
Yep, I am all for Canada calling a national emergency on all the illegal guns and drugs flowing from the US into Canada. And Canada imposing tarrifs on the US until the US stops the flow of illegal guns into Canada and manages their border. Most of our gun crime is done by illegal US guns.
Carney might be a wartime PM. I hope he does what Churchill did. Churchill declared himself Minister of Defence when he was PM of England. Carney should declare himself Minister of Finance as well as PM. He’s qualified.
Such a whiny brat about a needless tarrif war yam tits started himself. This orange turd has no clue how much Canadians hold grudges. This won’t ever be over. Canada is moving on.