Sorry, someone already “owns” that land. Your home is prison now.
Sorry, someone already “owns” that land. Your home is prison now.
303 natives were convicted and sentenced to death following the Dakota War of 1862. Lincoln actually commuted the sentences of 264 of those natives, allowing the convictions to stand only for those he believed personally engaged in the murder of innocent women and children.
Therefore, the last one is deliberately and intentionally misleading.
The difference is that we’ll just be running small, specialized, on-demand models instead of huge, resource-heavy, all-purpose models. It’s already being done. Just look at how Google and Apple are approaching AI on mobile devices. You don’t need a lot of power for that, just plenty of storage.
There’s no need for huge, expensive datacenters when we can run everything on our own devices. SLMs and local AI is the future.
He now literally meets the exceptionally narrow definition of treason as defined by the US Constitution.