New use of crotch gremlins unlocked!
New use of crotch gremlins unlocked!
This is 100% what actually happened. Plus no oversight of course.
Kala Namak
That’s black salt! I like to use it in cooking sometimes, it’s a little like MSG. I’d never sprinkle it on something that’s already on a plate though.
It also doesn’t have any protein to speak of.
That said, it’s perfectly possible to eat tasty, healthy & balanced without eggs.
In the USA? That’s interesting. Any idea why they refuse to pay more (but still less)?
Can confirm, this happened. Realsatire.
According to this, for me it would be Ubuntu 10.04. It was my final step away from $PROPRIETARY_OS, way back when.
Or, you know, all of them.
Suddenly all those obamapocalypse preppers …
And I’m going to use that bill for myself too if you don’t mind, because nobody gets treated worse than I do online, nobody.
This shitstain constantly sounds like a parody of himself. Yet I’m still not laughing, except in that really ugly way that sticks in your throat.
If you can’t edit XML use nice GUI lxhotkey or obkey instead
The laughing is bad, but the prankees reactions have informational value: this is how a significant portion of the populace thinks about the conflict.
Done differently this could’ve been great investigative journalism: “of 100 randomly chosen numbers we called only 1 reacted positively” or so.
Openbox (LXQt’s wm under Xorg) does support global shortcuts.
And labwc supports rc.xml so it should support global shortcuts as well.
Wow. The first 3 minutes were impressive. Every sentence packed with cynicism, yet clear, factual, realistic. A fresh wind clearing the stale air in my mind (poisoned by doomscrolling).
(He looks like Nosferatu btw)
Yes, but the number of Trump supporters is dwindling.