Thank you! That helps clear up when the photo was taken and it makes sense that there would be a revision when all parties has to actually enforce the agreement.
I work in I.T. and am interested in every sub-field. I also study English, Spanish, German, French, Koine Greek, Latin, Mandarin & Swahili. I’m interested in human culture.
I like Linux, but mainly use Windows because of work.
Thank you! That helps clear up when the photo was taken and it makes sense that there would be a revision when all parties has to actually enforce the agreement.
Is the date on this wrong? Peña Nieto was president of Mexico until December 2018, but in 2019 Lopez Obrador was president.
I’m quite happy the Fediverse exists. Thanks for making the video and posting it to Lemmy!
Thank you! You’re definitely right about the exciting times. Boring & predictable times are easier to deal with.