So I had a stickybeak at their questions and holy shit they’re so bad. Such naked propaganda and also hilariously wrong.
If minorities sat by and patiently explained their needs to the majority we’d be fucked hahahahahaha.
Also apparently the gov does aid because their weird lizard people in Parliament’s hearts bleed rivers of gold at the suffering of the people they constantly stir racism up against.
Lets be real though, propaganda aside it’s actually disasterous that people are failing to understand how power is wielded in Australia. If the overwhelming arm of USA propaganda replaces an understanding of how our government works with how theirs doesn’t we will perform into being a broken 2 party system nobody trusts.
Say what you will about Parliament (and indeed I will rant till your fucking ears bleed if you let me) but we have the benefit of an extremely robust and effective civil service which does a lot of unnoticed good. It’s far from perfect but we need a citizenry that understands how things work and why if essential crap is to remain unmolested by creepy potato shaped facists and their ilk. People need to know how to engage with power, where to put the screws to, who controls what and what legal options there are for wielding influence.