Pffffft, the rest of you lot knew what was at stake, the lazy twats who couldn’t be bothered to save their own nation by exercising their RIGHT to vote aren’t off the hook. I’ve literally started to cringe when hearing Americans in public (I live in the UK) because in my mind subconsciously there’s a high chance that person is dumb as fuck.
oh trust me, I did exercise my right to vote. I voted my entire ballot except the presidential race. I dont support republicans OR war criminals who promise that “nothing will fundamentally change”. If you would bother reading the polls like an informed voter you’d understand that angle never had a chance to win. But if you’d rather whine after the fact on an anonymous website that doesnt even aggregate downvote/upvote counts, then be my guest, you’re doing a real service for the world. Good job.
Pffffft, the rest of you lot knew what was at stake, the lazy twats who couldn’t be bothered to save their own nation by exercising their RIGHT to vote aren’t off the hook. I’ve literally started to cringe when hearing Americans in public (I live in the UK) because in my mind subconsciously there’s a high chance that person is dumb as fuck.
Well they were smart enough to get an updated passport anyway.
oh trust me, I did exercise my right to vote. I voted my entire ballot except the presidential race. I dont support republicans OR war criminals who promise that “nothing will fundamentally change”. If you would bother reading the polls like an informed voter you’d understand that angle never had a chance to win. But if you’d rather whine after the fact on an anonymous website that doesnt even aggregate downvote/upvote counts, then be my guest, you’re doing a real service for the world. Good job.